Thursday, May 23, 2013

More Stuff

Well the semester is over and and I all my hard work learning the software came down to a few final projects.

The one I am most proud of is my book cover.  We had to create a book cover from scratch and I came up with the idea of a history book.  I took family photos and other photos and came up with a layout that I think worked well together.

Next there was a final assignment to make a mock time magazine cover so I decided to do one on Carnival Cruise lines and their struggles.  I chose them not because I don't like the line but because I went on the Dream in march the week before it had its issues. The pictures are all mine and I just edited them to fit my cover idea.

Well thats all I got for right now and my next post will probably be about running.  I finally have a few races coming up in june.  I have 4 that I am signed up for in June alone.

Monday, May 20, 2013

road block

Well I think I have hit a road block.  As you all know I hurt my knee last fall.  When I start running it still hurts and then I am like well lets just forget it.  I have been riding my bike a lot more instead of running which is better than doing nothing right?

I think I figured out yesterday that if I walk for a while before I start to run then my knee is fine.  So maybe I can get past this issue.

I remember last time I hurt my knee it bothered me for awhile.  Well at least the photos of me playing soccer show me wearing a knee support thing so that might be something to look into.