Sunday, June 24, 2012

North Shore Half Marathon

Well in my earlier post I mentioned that my dad and I were training for the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend.  After I did my half he decided to he wanted to do one so he started training.  We now run races together.  Well we run the same races.  He runs faster than me so I bring up the rear.

We recently ran the NorthShore Half Marathon and it was his first half marathon.  It was very hot and humid and I wanted to quit after mile 3.  I Know thats early in a race to want to quit but the running gods were not on my side for this race.  First I was not able to train the way I wanted to then I rolled my ankle a few days before the race.

Just when I wanted to quit I saw those bright green W.I.S.H. shirts worn by fellow W.I.S.H. runner Rick and decided to keep going.  I thought to myself I can't report back to the W.I.S.H boards that I quit after  mile 3.  Sure they would understand but it would have bothered me that I did not finish.

Long story short my dad finished in 2 hours and 45 minutes and it took me 2 hours and 56 minutes.  My time was about 11 minutes off my last half.  So now it is on the the next race.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I'm Back

I'm BACK!!!  I was looking to start a blog about my running adventures and other things that happen in life and while starting up a new blog I some how found this one.  This blog started as part of a class I was taking in college.  So I thought to myself why start a new blog just adjust this one.

So this is what I have been up to since the last time I have made a post on this blog.  After college I got a little lazy and decided to start running and set a goal to run a half marathon and just so happened to find a half down at Walt Disney World.  Disney is one of my favorite place so I said "Why not"  after training for a few months I made the trip down there. I Chose to run in the only night time half Disney offers called the Wine and Dine Half Marathon.
The Expo (Its a good thing I knew to bring some spending money)

Getting ready to start

the best way to get pictures with characters(no lines)

And last but not least the "BLING"

After running a run disney event I can now say that I am addicted and cannot wait to run another race.  My dad and I are currently training to run Walt Disney World full Marathon.  Well I am training for the full and my dad is training for the Goofy but more on that later.