Monday, May 5, 2008


The clothesline project was started to give a visual to the violence going on in this country. The Western Illinois Regional Counsil Community Action Agency started participating in 1996. their goal was to bring attention to violence against women.

there are six different color t-shirts that mean different types of violnce. a few examples are; white is for women who have died of violence, yellow is for women who have been battered or assaulted, orange is for women who have been reaped or sexually assaulted.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Radio story
Illinois is trying to keep up with all of the new drivers licence technology. The state is starting to phase out old drivers licences and replace them with new better ones. Police officers and other law enforcement officials have to go through some training on how to understand the new licences. They are given books to help them better understand the changes.
The new licences have to two pictures, a big one in the upper left corner and one in the lower right corner. All the improvements that are being made a for security purposes. These changes are also being made to try and cut down on the production of fake licences. Only time will tell what kind of impact the new drivers licences will have in the state of Illinois.
Web story
Illinois is changing their drivers licences in order to keep up with new technology. the state is phasing out older driver licences and replacing them with new ones. the old ones have a matted surface and are easier to replicate.
The new licences have updated security features. they have two pictures on them. a big one in the upper left corner and a smaller one in the bottom right. They are also made of a different surface. these features were chosen to try and cut down on the production of fake ID’s.
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