Thursday, January 31, 2008

Every Little Bit Helps

The Western I.S.R.A.A. (Illinois State Resident Assistant) is collecting pop can tops to help raise money for the Ronald McDonald house charities. they have drop of spots in the dorms. the have spots at the front desks and other locations in the buildings.

R.A. Lindsay HIggins says "its a simple way that we can give a little bit to help those in need". Residents in the hall are also doing their part to help out. Whitney Beck who drinks at least one can of pop a day says "I drink a lot of pop so if my pop tops can help a little bit then im happy".

So remember next you are drinking a can of pop you pop top can help someone in need.

Western to Offer a Self Defense Class

the Office of Public Saftey on the campus of Western Illinois University is offer a self defense class to help female students feel more safe. the classes start Feb. 11th and last 6-9 p.m. This class meets four times. it is a 12 hour course which cost $20.

Some female students think that this is a really good idea. Feshman Ashley Shugar said "this class is a good thing, it will will make me feel a little bit safer when im out at night".

this course is designed for women only. it will be opened for students to sign up first and then to the public. You can register at the Office of Public Saftey.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What is There to do in Macomb

People say that Macomb can be boring but if you look around there is plenty to do. A good place to look is the Park District. They have many types of programs.

They have a pottery class that teaches different technques often used in pottery. it is a good class for beginners. most people find pottery relaxing, just what some students need after a long day of classes.

They also offer a sign language class. this would be a good class to take if you wanted to learn sign language but do not want it to effect your GPA like the class offered at Western Illinois University.

They also offer programs on eating on the run, first aid and CPR certification. The next Park District meeting is on Feb. 19th 2008 at 6:00 p.m.

If champions are made in the off season, then Western Illinois women's soccer team is well on their way to getting another championship ring. The team has been working hard in the off season in preperation for their 2008 fall season. Their schedule includes wieghts and conditioning followed by scrimmaging. Not only do they dedicate time on the field but they also maintained a team gpa of 3.51 for the fall 2007 semester.
the team is joined by two new comers Jenna Schonert and Jennie Green. Jenna Schonert is a freshman from Racine, Wisconsin. Jennie Green is a sophmore from Palatine Illinois. these new comers will be joined by many more in the fall and become part of a great soccer program.